Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Live with No Regrets

For the last several days I have been hearing my inner voice say....."Live with no regrets". Lately I have been living in a world of "should've/would've. I wish I had done this or maybe I should have taken a differrent road.
At first it was soft wisper, but as each day passes the words get stronger; more direct, so as I usher out 2007 and begin 2008. I will do my best to "Live with No Regrets"!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!
The day started off slow then the Jehovah Witnesses rang the door. I looked out the window glanced at them and ran back to my bed. For several minutes I felt like a 12 year old hearing my Grandmother say, "If you open that door, you will have to talk to them all by yourself". Minutes later, friends dropped by and made us smile.
We spent the rest of the day with good friends and concluded the evening watching "Anchorman" starring Will Ferrell. It was as crazy as most of his movies!!!!!
Back to work Wednesday so all in all I had a typical Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It is what it is

I had 24 hours rest and then it was back to work. Monday was a challenge and Tuesday was a bit better. At least today I got a 30 minute nap before my part time job kicked in/honey duty!!!!
This shit is for the birds. I know when I get tired I'll call it quits, but right now I'm doing my part.
As I grow older and wiser, I realize its not about right or wrong; good or bad. Justifications don't change anything. It is what it is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Don't feed the animals

Tonight my sister told me don't feed the animals. I asked, "Can I pet them?" She said, "stay away from the animals". We both laughed and then I realized how much we love each other. Remember, "Dont' feed the animals!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Almost there

I'm almost there!!!!! The task for this quarter is almost complete. By Friday afternoon I should be submitting the paperwork and jumping for joy. I've been working on the paperwork three weeks!!!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My life partner made me smile and cry. I ask him if he could spend my last hour with me(before I die)what would he tell me. His reply was " tell you how happy I am to be with you your last moments, and let you know I AM YOUR MAN"! Yeah, I cried.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Country Girl/City Girl

This afternoon I washed the mildew off my suburban home for two hours. I would have completed the task, but my chapter had a social held at a Black owner art gallery here in the city. As neighbors and vistors passed by I could see them looking or staring at me. I wondered....do they think I'm doing this because I'm a strong independent Black woman? My reply was..hell no I don't want to have to pay a substancial fine to my home owners association!!! Now that's why I'm up here on this ladder working like a man. My neighbor showed me the mechanics. Then returned later to see if I had the hang of it. I really appreciated it...its his ladder, solution, and nozzle. He's near retirement age. We had light conversation. I told him, "you know I'm not like most women...shopping is ok but I'm going to spend all day at the mall". His response was, "I already figured that out" : )
I showered, dressed and attended the holiday social. It was nice or as the elders would say, it was "uptown". I purchased my first African painting. I have other artwork but they are prints. This is the first painting. The owner is coming to hang the picture Tuesday afternoon.
As I left the city and returned to the suburbs...I thought to myself. Girl, you are doing pretty good. Of course tomorrow I'll tell myself I could have used to $ for something else...tonight I'm happy with the decision.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thought for the Day

Learning to live with yourself is a frightening reality, but we all do it sooner or later.
And at that moment we realize we are not perfect, but human, and humans make mistakes.
We realize it wasn't the other person that hurt us, but we too hurt yourself.
Only then can we really learn to live with ourselves.
